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The Waiting Game

It’s back to the waiting game now as I anxiously hope to hear back from agents about The Beast of Rose Valley. I did get a partial request from one agent, so that’s great news, but otherwise it’s been only crickets. The important part, though, is to remain undeterred! I’ve gone back to work on The Great Republic and I’m making great strides on that novel now. Not to undermine The Beast of Rose Valley, but I think this book will be even better!

Short Stories A break from novel writing

As mentioned previously, I’m in the midst of a the revision process with The Beast of Rose Valley, making changes based on feedback I retrieved over at The Paragraph Ranch Retreat. I haven’t made much headway on that, though, because I’ve been focusing on something else. I am a member of the San Antonio Writer’s Guild, and they are holding their annual Writing Contest. There are a number of categories, but I honed in on three that I thought I could contribute something to: Short Stories (1000-4000 words), Flash Fiction (1000 words maximum), and Novel – First Chapter.