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Writing with Friends

One thing that I’ve heard over and over as I’ve embarked on this goal of getting a book published is that writing a novel is a team sport. That sounds counter-intuitive, but generally it’s referring to a lot of people that I don’t have yet — editors, agents, publishers, etc. This weekend, however, I found another way to make writing a team sport — other writers! I attended the inaugural Paragraph Ranch Writer’s Workshop in Spur, TX.  It was a great environment where I got some great feedback from Tex Thompson on The Beast of Rose Valley and some sage advice…
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Back to the Beast

It’s been a while since I updated, and blogs tend to fail when they don’t get updated. There’s not a lot of news to report related to my writing, but I have switched focus again back to The Beast of Rose Valley. I have a good start on The Great Republic, and I will get back to it, but after getting another beta reader on The Beast of Rose Valley and then also based on some of the results of my querying, I’ve decided (and been advised) that it’s a solid book with a slow start. Given that it’s horror/thriller, that just won’t…
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Query Update The Beast of Rose Valley

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, because I’ve been hard at work on The Great Republic. I think it’s going pretty well, and I already like this novel better than my last. Then again, I expect that I will always think that of the book I’m actively working on. For those curious, I thought I’d drop some statistics on where I am with The Beast of Rose Valley.