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The Name Game From J. Paul to J. P.

Back when I started this website (and my corresponding Facebook page), I had a tough decision to make. What name would I use to publish my work? My everyday name was out of the question because it’s identical to an already famous UFC fighter. Something tells me, he and I may not have much of a crossover audience. So my next choice was J. P. Barnett. I’ve always loved the way it sounded, and I’ve occasionally used it here and there, but alas, some fella already had It made me sad, but I was intent on having a simple…
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Traction Maybe...

My goal is to update this blog at least every month. It looks like I’ve failed. Then again, blogging isn’t where my writing focus should be anyway, right? I know the drought can be painstaking for all 5 of my fans, but I promise I’m still here, working away! With travel and other distractions, I’ve taken a bit of  hiatus from working on The Great Republic. Instead, I’ve been polishing up The Beast of Rose Valley some more for another round of queries, hybrid publishing submissions, and soon — my first Writers’ Conference.